
Quality Assurance



We are known for the quality that we preserve in our products. Clients worldwide always praise us for the outcome we generate through our R&D techniques. Our final product goes through many inspection processes that help us to check if we have achieved the desired result set by the market standard and the client. Our expert team performs this process and thoroughly reviews the product for its print, texture, design, embossing, thickness, and more technical aspects.

Inspection It is the simple process of checking the outcome from any manufacturing unit and measuring the meters set by that particular organization or market standards. This operation is conducted by a dedicated team of experts specializing in checking and giving feedback to the R&D department. If they find any aberrations in the product, it is sent back to the quality control department to find the flaws and then to R&D to prepare a new and better method that meets the requirements. It actually helps create less mess in the manufacturing unit, less garbage in the trash, more efficient work, and reduces the manufacturing cost, increasing the profit.

Quality Process


Incoming inspection

A process where material imported from the suppliers is checked thoroughly and a report is made that states the condition of the material. If they get passed, the raw material follows the following process and proceed further for production. In case the raw material fails to pass the Pre-production quality check, the material is reverted to the supplier providing the feedback of our team. We have a dedicated laboratory where these actions are performed. Devices like Brookfield Viscometers, Hydrometers, Grindometers, Karl Fischer Titrometers, Coater- Laboratory, bar coater, ovens, fabric yarn counters, tensile tester are used for the QC.


Online Inspection

It is performed before taking the raw material for production and inserting it into the machines. The finish, smoothness, texture, weight, thickness, colour, and design are measured to make it suitable for devices to proceed with production. It plays a vital role in the Pre-QC process, which saves a lot of time after production. The Internal & External quality of the material is tested and reported to the production team. Our laboratory uses Tensile Tester, Vessel Gauge, Spectrophotometer, Bend Tester, Abrasion Tester, Thickness Gauge, Scales for the control process.

Inspection while Production

The required parameters are set in the machines that the client and manufacturer decide. Some of the measures are controlled while the production is under process. Those measures are thickness, smoothness, width & weight. These parameters are thoroughly checked through the metres and signals installed in the machines. Technicians at Arora Polyfab continuously take care of whether the quality is maintained meeting the aspects and measures set by us.

Inspection of Production Process

The material and operations performed are checked during the production process. Then, a team of experts looks sharply at the machines' meters, controlling them with their expertise. This helps in making us prepared for the post-production process. We also check whether the outcome will be according to us or if any errors will occur. This is how we reduce the wastage and cost of making.

Inspection of Final Product

The finished product is then sent to the laboratory for final checks on the quality of the product. All the parameters mentioned above are checked thoroughly by our team of experts. If they pass all the reviews, the product is delivered to the client. Otherwise, it is sent back to the R&D team, and the production process follows up.

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